
Peer-reviewed Papers


13. Beogo I, Sia D, Collin S, Phaelle GA¥, Louismé M-C¥, Ramdé J, Gagnon M-P, Tchouaket NE. (2022).
Strengthening Social Capital to Address Isolation and Loneliness in Long-term Care Facilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Systematic Review of Research on Information and Communication Technologies" to the Journal of Medical Internet Research. 14;6:e46753. doi: 10.2196/46753.

12. Beogo I; Bationo NJ-C; Collin S; Tapp D; Ramdé J; Gagnon MP; Tchouaket NE; Sia D. (2022).
Promising Best Practices Implemented in Long-Term Care Facilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic to Address Social Isolation and Loneliness: A Scoping Review. Journal of Long-Term Care, pp. 298–311.

11. Gallant NL; Hardy MS; Beogo I; Conklin J; Connelly D; Kaasalainen S; Keefe J; Robitaille A; Yous ML; Fanaki C; and Cameron C. (2022).
Improving Family Presence in Long-Term Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Healthcare Quarterly 25(Special Issue): 34-40.doi:10.12927/hcq.2022.26980

10. Glowinski BJ; Shirin A; Mona V; Beogo I; Frank T; Havaei F; Kaasalainen S; Lashewicz B; Levy AM; McGilton KS; McMurray J; Sims-Gould J. (2022).
The Canadian Long-Term Care Sector Collapse from COVID-19: Innovations to Support People in the Workforce. Healthcare Quarterly  25(Special Issue): 20-26.doi:10.12927/hcq.2022.26982

9. Tchouaket EN; Kruglova K; Beogo, I; Sia D; Robins S; Bélanger E¥, Jubinville MP¥; Séguin C; Kilpatrick; Boivin S; Létourneau J.¥ (2022).
Economic evaluation of healthcare-associated infection prevention and control in long-term care: a systematic review protocol. Syst Rev 11, 261.

8. Létourneau J¥, Bélanger E¥, Sia D, Beogo I, Robins S, Kruglova K¥, Jubinville M¥, Tchouaket NE (2022).
Identifying Performance Factors of Long-Term Care Facilities in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: a scoping review protocol. Syst Rev 11, 203 (2022).

7. Beogo I; Bationo NJ-C; Sia D; Collin S; Kinkumba RB; Létourneau A-A; Ramdé J; Gagnon MP; Tchouaket NE (2022)
COVID-19 Pandemic or Chaos Time Management: First-Line Worker Shortage – a Qualitative Study in Three Canadian Provinces. BMC Geriatrics, 22, 727.

6. Beogo I, Sia D, Tchouaket NE, Zhao J¥, Gagnon MP, Etowa J. (2022).
Strengthening Social Capital to Address Isolation and Loneliness in Long-Term Care Facilities During the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review Protocol of Research on Information and Communication Technologie. JMIR Res Protoc, 11(3) e36269.

5. Beogo I, Tchouaket EN, Sia D, Bationo NJ-C, Collin S, Tapp D, Abasse KS¥, Ramdé J, Gagnon MP (2022). Promising Best Practices Implemented in Long-Term Care Homes During COVID-19 Pandemic to Address Social Isolation and Loneliness: A Scoping Review Protocol. BMJ Open;12: e053894. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2021-053894


4. Beogo I, Ramdé J, Tchouaket NE, Sia D, Bationo NJ¥, Collin S, Anne A, Gagnon MP. (2021)
eSocial-hub: co-development of a virtual hub to combat social isolation and loneliness in francophone and anglophone seniors in linguistic minority context (Quebec, Manitoba and New Brunswick). JMIR Res Protoc;10(9):e30802. URL: DOI: 10.2196/30802

3. Tchouaket EN, Robins R, Sia D, Letourneau J¥, Da Silva RB¥, Kilpatrick K, Beogo I, Parisien N, Boivin S. (2021).
Validation and pilot testing of a guide to measure the costs associated with the management of COVID-19 and health care associated infections in Quebec residential and long-term care facilities. Science infirmière et pratiques en santé. 2021 4 (1): 1–31 DOI


2. Tchouaket NE, Beogo I, Sia D, Kilpatrick K, Séguin C, Baillot A, Jabbour M, Parisien N, Robins S, Boivin S (2020).
Economic analysis of healthcare-associated infection prevention and control interventions in medical and surgical units: Systematic review a discounting approach. Journal of Hospital Infection, 106: 134-54.

1. Buyl R, Beogo I, Fobelets M, Deletroz C¥, Van Landuyt P¥, Dequanter S, Gorus A, Giguère, A, Lechasseur K, Gagnon MP (2020).
e-Health Interventions for Healthy Aging: A Systematic Review. Syst Rev, 9 (128): 1-15.



15. Beogo I; Sia D; Tchouaket NE; Bourrier P; Vigier D; Bationo NJ-C¥ (2022).
Factors associated with health-seeking behavior amongst children in the context of free market: Household study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 2011à. PLOS ONE 17(10). e0271493.

14. Sia D, Tchouaket Nguemeleu E, Beogo I, Séguin C, Roch G, et al. (2022).
Interventions facilitating access to perinatal care for migrant women without medical insurance: A scoping review protocol. PLOS ONE 17(3): e0265232.


13. Côté A, Beogo I, Abasse KS¥, Laberge M, Dogba MJ, Dallaire C. (2020).
The Clinical Microsystems Approach, Does-It Really Work? A systematic Review of Organizational Theories into Health care Practices. JAPhA, 60(6): e388-e410.

12. Tchouaket NE, Beogo I, Sia D, Kilpatrick K, Séguin C, Baillot A, Nadar M, Parisien N, Boivin S. (2020).
A protocol for a systematic review of economic analyses of nosocomial infection prevention and control interventions in OECD hospitals. BMJ Open,10:e037765.


11. Beogo I, Darboe A¥, Adesanya O¥, Rojas BM¥ (2018).
Critical assessment of refugees’ needs in post- emergency context: the of Malian war refugees settled in northern Burkina Faso. BMC International Health and human rights, 18 (38): 1-10.

10. Beogo I, Darboe A¥, Adesanya O, Rojas BM¥ (2018).
Choosing between nurse-led or medical doctor-led from for-profit versus non-for-profit outpatient clinics: a household survey in urban Burkina Faso. PLoS ONE, 13(7): e0200233.


9. Adesanya O¥, Rojas BM¥, Darboe A¥, Beogo I (2017).
Socioeconomic differential in self-assessment of health and happiness in 5 African countries: Finding from World Value Survey. PLoS ONE, 12(11): e0188281.

8. Adesanya O¥, Darboe A¥, Rojas BM¥, Abiodun ED, Beogo I (2017). Factors contributing to regional inequalities in acute respiratory infections symptoms among under-five children in Nigeria: A decomposition analysis. International Journal of Health Equity, 16(140).

7. Beogo I, Bomar RM¥, Gagnon MP (2017). Determinants and materno-fœtal outcomes related to caesareans section delivery in private and public hospitals in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. Systematic Reviews, 6(5): 1-6.


6. Rojas B M¥, Beogo I, Opiyo P, Adesanya O¥, Chen C-Y (2016). Community social capital on the timing of sexual debut and teen birth in Nicaragua:  A multilevel approach. BMC Public Health, 16(991):1-9

5. Beogo I, Bomar RM¥, Gagnon MP, Liu C-Y (2016). Psychometric evaluation of the French version of the Clinical Nursing Competence Questionnaire (CNCQ-22): a cross-sectional study in nursing education in Burkina Faso. Nurse Education Today, 45:173–178.

4. Beogo I, Huang N, Ye Y (2016). Malaria related care-seeking-behaviour and expenditure in urban settings: A household survey in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Acta Tropica,160: 78–85.

3. Beogo I, Huang N, Gagnon MP, Amendah. D D. (2016). Out-of-pocket expenditure and its determinants in the context of private healthcare sector expansion in sub-Saharan Africa urban cities: evidence from household survey in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. BMC Research Notes, 9(34):1-10


2. Beogo I, Liu C-Y, Dlamini CP, Gagnon MP (2015). Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing: Nesting fast track to traditional generic program, teachings of nursing education in Burkina Faso. BMC Nursing, 14 (66):1-10


1. Beogo I, Liu C-Y, Chou Y-J, Chen C-H, Huang N (2014). Health-Care-Seeking Patterns in the Emerging Private Sector in Burkina Faso: A Population-Based Study of Urban Adult Residents in Ouagadougou. PLoS ONE, 9(5): e97521

Conference Proceedings


4. Tchouaket N E, Beogo I, Sia D, Kilpatrick K, Robins S, Boivin B (2022).
Efficience de la prévention et de contrôle des infections nosocomiales : une revue systématique. Vol 5, Supp Spécial Congrès mondial du Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l’espace francophone (SIDIIEF) : 16 – 20 octobre 2022, Ottawa, Canada


3. Lapierre J, Aboulhouda I, Gaudreault-Belley M, Ramdé J, Coté A, Bationo F, Dabal M, Beogo I, Traoré L (2020).
Community-based health agents practices in Burkina Faso, European Journal of Public Health, 30 Suppl5,


2. Beogo I, Van Landuyt P, Gagnon M-P, Buyl R (2016). Systematic review of ehealth intervention for healthy aging: status of progress. ICT4AWE 2016

1. Gagnon MP, Beogo I, Buyl R (2016).
E-Health Interventions for Healthy Aging: A Systematic Review Protocol. Stud Health Technol Inform, 225: 954-5

Book & Book Chapter

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