For her honours thesis (HSS4900 - Research Project), Brianna Glanville-Forrest, student of uOttawa Undergraduate Health Sciences, developed a research project which abstract was accepted by CAHSPR. The project, entitled "Remote Communication with Older Adults in Linguistic Minority Nursing Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Survey Study from Families' Perspectives in New Brunswick", used data from the project "eSocial-HUB: Pilot Project to Co-develop a Virtual HUB to Break the Social Isolation and Loneliness of Older Adults in Francophone Linguistic Minorities (Manitoba and N.B.) and Anglophone Minorities in Quebec". The project was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
The results were presented at the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research (CAHSPR) 2023 Annual Conference. May 29-31, 2023. Montréal, Québec, Canada.
The study was supervised by Idrissa Beogo of the School of Nursing, uOttawa.

Thanks to Summer Older Adult Research (SOAR) grant provided by a generous donor to the division of Geriatric Medicine of the University of Toronto, Dr Norris Mireille (Faculty of Medicine, U of Toronto and Sunnybrook Hospital) and Dr Beogo Idrissa (School of Nursing, uOttawa) co-supervised Elizabeth, a bright medical student with a promising future in research. The study focused on ‘experiences of Black caregivers versus non-Black caregivers in delivering care within a context of ethnocultural and linguistic minorities in Toronto‘.
The results were presented at the Federation of Medical Women of Canada 2023. Educational Conference and AGM: Health Advocates: Creating Connections, Synergizing Energies. Sept 23-24, 2023, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Dissemination event - Research Initiation Grant Program 2023-24
Thanks to the CNFS-uOttawa Research Initiation Scholarship Program 2023-24, Michaël-Christopher Louismé (uOttawa medical student) conducted the study on "L’expérience de la relocation des personnes âgées dans un établissement de soins de longue durée ou dans des maisons à subventions en Ontario : une étude descriptive mixte" during the 2023 summer. The study was supervised by Idrissa Beogo of the School of Nursing, uOttawa and Dr. Norris Mireille of the Faculty of Medicine, U of Toronto and SunnyBrook Hospital.
NB: the study is supported by a Knowledge Mobilization grant of CAD 15,000.