Health equity for Aged Lab

Laboratoire sur l’Équité en santé des aîné.e.s

LESA is a research hub entirely dedicated to the long-term care issues of minority seniors living in the community or relocated to an institution.
The aim of the HEAL~LESA Lab aligns with the strategic axes of the research plan of the University of Ottawa’s bold vision “Transformation 2030”, which includes promoting just societies and fostering health and well-being throughout life. HEAL~LESA stands out as a centre of excellence for research into equitable long-term care (LTC) in the context of the ageing of Canada’s multicultural population. Its scientific objectives are to :

1. Generate knowledge through research on ethno-specific LTC at home and in institutions, in order to better equip decision-makers, caregivers and beneficiaries;

2. Ensure the ongoing development of cutting-edge expertise on issues relating to the provision of and access to ethno-specific LTC;

3. Promote emulation and training of students in ethno-specific LTC issues.

Laboratory Vision

HEAL|LESA serves as an instrument for optimizing the formulation of better ethno-specific LTC policies for Canadian minority seniors.


To light up policy makers, managers, providers and knowledge users through data-driven (state of the art evidence) evidence on the demand and supply of ethno-specific LTC for minority seniors. We do this in partnership with seniors, their loved ones, caregivers, stakeholders, associations, the University of Ottawa and other universities, and institutional collaborators.

Laboratory Research Areas


Best practices and alternative models for providing LTC to Canadian minority seniors aging at home or in LTC facilities.


Physical and mental health of Canadian minority seniors.


Quality and adaptability of care for Canadian minority seniors.